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Discord App Notification Stuck? Here's How to Fix It.

Discord App Notification Stuck? Here's How to Fix It.

Discord App Notification Won't Go Away: How to Fix This Obnoxious Problem

If you use Discord, you know that it's an amazing app for keeping in touch with your friends, family, or co-workers. However, some users encounter an annoying problem where Discord notifications won't go away, even after they have checked them. This can be frustrating, especially if you're trying to keep your notifications organized or when the notification sound is driving you crazy.

So what causes this issue and how can you fix it? In this article, we will explore the most common reasons why Discord notifications won't go away and provide solutions that you can use right away.

Reasons Why Discord Notifications Won't Go Away

Before we dive into the solutions, let's explore some reasons why you may be experiencing this issue:

  • System glitches or bugs
  • Outdated version of Discord
  • Settings/configuration issues
  • Internet connectivity problems
  • Incompatibilities with other software or hardware

If you experience any of these issues, then it could be the main reason why your Discord notifications won't go away. But don't worry because we have some solutions that can help fix the problem.

Solutions to Fix Discord Notifications That are Not Going Away

Restart Your App or Device

When you encounter this problem, sometimes the solution is as simple as restarting your app or device. This is because system glitches or bugs can cause discord notification glitches.

Check For Updates

Another reason why Discord notifications won't go away is because you have an outdated version of Discord. Go to your App Store or Google Play Store and check out if there's any update available for the app. Install the latest version of Discord, which may fix the existing bugs.

Disable Notifications From The Server

If you still can't get rid of notification errors, you may need to disable them from the server end, especially if it's a public server with several members. Open the server settings and locate Notification settings from here. Uncheck all notification items and click Save. This will mute the notifications for that specific server, and you can enable them again whenever you want.

Restart Your Network Connection

Your network could be facing some issues that are causing the notification error. Restart your router, modem, or mobile data connection to see if this solves the problem. You can also run a ping test to know if there are issues with your internet connectivity.

Check For Compatibility Issues

If you've newly installed other software on your device, it can create compatibility or incompatibility issues with Discord. Close these applications to see if the problem goes away. Sometimes antivirus software or firewalls interfere with Discord notifications, so try disabling some of them to see if the issue goes away.


Discord notifications not going away can be frustrating when you're trying to communicate with others, but with these solutions, you can troubleshoot the problem yourself. By restarting your device or app, disabling notifications, checking your network connection, checking for updates, and looking for compatibility issues, you can resolve this issue. You don't have to let Discord notification problems drive you crazy; instead, use these tips to keep the app running smoothly.

If you find these solutions helpful, please share this article with anyone who experiences the not going away notification problem. Stay connected with your loved ones without any glitches or errors.

Discord App Notification Won'T Go Away
"Discord App Notification Won'T Go Away" ~ bbaz


Discord is a widely used communication platform among gamers and communities. It's an app that offers instant messaging, voice chat along with video chat features. However, some users have reported experiencing issues with Discord notifications that refuse to go away despite checking their messages and clearing out all the notifications.

The problem

If you find yourself in this predicament, where you cannot get rid of your Discord notification bubbles, this article will walk you through possible solutions to fix the problem.

Checking recent notifications

To start troubleshooting, it’s essential to check for any recent unread messages or notifications available on the Discord server. It's entirely possible that there may be an unread message or notification that you have not seen yet. While it seems like an obvious solution, checking and clearing pending notification can often fix the problem. Hold control + click on the server badge to clear all recent notifications that are causing such trouble. In most cases, these troublesome notifications will be marked resolved once the server badge is updated, and the bubble icon disappears.

Check Unread Messages On Discord

Sometimes, Discord notifications don't disappear because of unread messages in Direct Messages or group chats. In such cases, go through all your servers’ direct messages or group channels to see if the notification is there.

Notifications Settings Reset

If your Discord notifications are still not disappearing even after resolving the pending notifications and checking for unread messages, resetting notification settings and restarting the computer should help.

Changing Notification Settings

Another way to deal with this problem is by going to the ‘Notification Settings’ on Discord to toggle off “Allow Notifications”, then exit the window and toggle it back on again. This should reset the app’s notification settings and clear out the offending notifications.In case the issue persists, you can also try changing Discord's notification sound. Some users have reported that this has worked for them in resolving their persistent notification problem.

Different Notifications for Mentioned Messages

Discord provides separate notification settings for mentioned messages. To turn off notifications for a specific server and group channel, hover your mouse over the server's name and click the bell icon located on the right side of the server name. From there, you can go ahead and adjust the notification settings for every server manually.

Cessation of all Processes

Sometimes the only way to fix pressure problems on Discord is to restart your computer. Another method is to end all Discord processes of the application running in task master before reopening the app.

Reinstalling Discord

If all other methods fail to work, removing Discord completely and reinstalling it can be the ultimate solution. This process clears out all discord settings hence removing the persisting notification problem. To avoid losing any important files/data, back up all your relevant data before uninstalling.


Notifications are high alerts that help us stay updated, save time, and keep things organized. As helpful as they are, at times, they can become unrelenting if not well understood. If you experience trouble with Discord notifications that won't go away, do not fret; the solutions above should help you. Be sure to follow each step as outlined in the sequence indicated, and the issue should resolve.

Discord App Notification Won't Go Away: A Comparison of Solutions


Discord is a popular communication app that has gained immense popularity among gamers and non-gamers alike. One of the most significant features of Discord is the notification system, which alerts users of new messages, friend requests, and other updates. In some cases, however, users may experience an issue where the notification won't go away, even after they have acknowledged it. This can be frustrating, as it can make it difficult to keep track of new notifications. In this article, we will explore several ways to fix this issue and compare their effectiveness.

The Problem: Notification Won't Go Away

The persistent notification issue occurs when Discord continues to display notifications even after you have viewed the associated message or taken action on the notification. Sometimes, restarting the app can fix the problem, but often, it persists despite attempts to clear the notification. The causes of this problem are not entirely clear, but it is likely related to a bug or glitch in Discord's code.

Possible Solutions

There are several solutions that people have found to work in clearing the persistent notifications issue on Discord. Let's take a look at some of them and compare their efficacy:

Solution 1: Mark All Notifications as Read

One simple solution is to mark all notifications as read. To do this, click on the alarm bell icon next to the server name and select mark all as read. This should clear all notifications and prevent any persistent notifications from showing up.

Solution 2: Check Your Settings

Another possible solution is to check your notification settings. Sometimes, customization options like notification sound or notification duration can cause issues with persistent notification. In this case, you can disable any custom settings and stick to Discord's default notification settings.

Solution 3: Clear App Data

If the problem persists, you can try clearing the app data. To do this, go to Settings -> Apps -> Discord and select Clear Data. This will clear any stored data related to Discord, including your login information, so make sure to log back in once you perform this step.

Solution 4: Update the App

Sometimes, outdated versions of Discord can also cause issues with persistent notifications. Ensure that you are running the latest version of the app by going to Play Store or App Store and checking for any updates.

Solution 5: Reinstall the App

If all else fails, you can uninstall and reinstall the Discord app. This should clear any bugs or glitches that were causing the persistent notifications issue.

Comparison Table

| Solution | Efficacy ||----------------------|----------|| Mark All as Read | Moderate || Check Your Settings | Low || Clear App Data | High || Update the App | Moderate || Reinstall the App | High |


Discord is an essential communication app for many people and offers various features to make it easier to connect with friends and other users. The persistent notification issue is one of the few issues that can drag down Discord's user experience. However, there are several solutions available to get rid of it. As the comparison table shows, clearing the app data or reinstalling the app appear to be the most effective solutions. Still, you can try other solutions first before attempting more drastic measures. Overall, this persistent notification bug is arguably a minor issue, and Discord remains one of the best apps for online communication.

Discord App Notification Won’t Go Away: Tips and Tricks to Solve the Issue

Discord is a popular communication app used by gamers, businesses, and communities. However, one of the most frustrating issues users face is when the notification badge won't disappear even after checking everything on the app. Although it may seem like a minor issue, it can impact the overall user experience. In this article, we’ll explore several tips and tricks to solve the Discord app notification that won't go away.

1. Check for Unread Messages and Mentions

The easiest step to solve the Discord app notification problem is to double-check all your servers, channels, and direct messages for unread messages and mentions. The notification badge will stay until you mark those messages as read. You can search for a particular keyword or use the filter feature to quickly find the unread messages.

2. Verify Your Notifications Settings

Sometimes, Discord notifications will continue even after clearing all the messages and mentions because of the notification settings on your account or server. It could be due to muted channels or servers, blocked applications, or a problem with the notification role. To solve this issue, follow the below steps:- Click on the server name on the left side of the screen- Select Server Settings > Notification Settings- Disable all notifications and save the changes- Restart the Discord appYou can also go to User Settings > Notification Settings to customize your preferences for direct messages, mentions, and other notifications.

3. Disable Other Applications Notifications

If you have other applications running parallel with Discord, it's possible that their notification badge overlays with Discord and causes confusion. Try to temporarily disable or adjust notification settings for other applications and restart Discord to see if the issue still persists.

4. Clear Local Storage/Cache Data

Clearing the local storage/cache files of your Discord app can solve many glitches, including notification issues. Here’s how:- Close the Discord application- Go to the search bar on your computer and type `%appdata%`- Open the Discord folder- Find and delete all contents in the Cache, Code Cache, Local Storage, and Log Out folders.- Restart the Discord Application

5. Reinstall or Update Discord App

If none of the above methods worked, try to uninstall and reinstall Discord or update if applicable. It may remove any software bugs that may cause persistent notification badges.

In Conclusion

In summary, when Discord app notifications won't go away, it could happen due to several reasons, but following the above tips can turn it back to normal. Always remember to maintain clear communication with your contacts or community about your settings preferences so that there will be no misunderstandings when they can't find you or see your messages. Use Discord frequently, and with a bit of patience, you will soon become an expert at solving app issues.

Discord App Notifications That Won’t Go Away: What You Need to Know

If you’re an avid Discord user, chances are you’ve experienced notifications that just won’t go away. It can be frustrating to see those little red dots constantly blinking in the corner of your screen. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why these notifications can persist and what you can do to resolve them.

Reasons why Discord notifications can persist

Before we dive into how to fix persistent notifications, it’s important to understand why they occur in the first place. Here are a few common reasons:

  • Software bugs or glitches
  • Outdated or incompatible software
  • Hardware issues with your device
  • Incomplete downloads or updates
  • Background processes

Now that we know why persistent notifications happen, let’s move on to some solutions.

Solutions for Discord notifications that won’t go away

1. Restart Discord

This might sound like a simple solution, but sometimes restarting the app can immediately resolve any issues causing persistent notifications. Simply close Discord and reopen it.

2. Clear your cache

Clearing your cache can help Discard function more smoothly. To do this, go to your settings, then the “Advanced” tab, and click “Clear Cache.”

3. Update Discord

Make sure you have the latest version of Discord. This can fix software bugs and glitches that may cause persistent notifications. Check for updates in the settings menu under “Updates.”

4. Check your browser

If you’re using Discord on a web browser, clear the cache and cookies. This can help resolve any website-related issues that may be causing notifications to persist.

5. Disable notifications

If none of these solutions work, simply disabling notifications for Discord may be the easiest fix. Go to your settings, then click “Notifications.” From there, you can choose to disable notifications or change their settings.

Final Thoughts

Persistent Discord notifications can be an annoyance and disrupt productivity. However, there are solutions to try before un-installing the app or wiping your entire system. Try some of the tips above to see if they work for your situation.

If you’ve tried everything and still have persistent notifications, it may be time to reach out to Discord support. They can help you identify the issue and find a solution.

We hope this article has been helpful in understanding why Discord notifications can persist and what you can do to resolve them. Happy chatting!

Your feedback is important for us. If you have any questions or suggestions about this article, please leave a comment below.

People also ask about Discord App Notification Won't Go Away

Why am I not able to clear my Discord notifications?

If you have tried to clear the notification, and it still shows up, you might want to check your server settings for @everyone tags or other mentions that create notifications. These notifications cannot be dismissed right away, and you'll need to interact with them first, like read the messages in a server or channels.

How can I fix an issue where the notification badge on the Discord app won't go away?

If you still see a notification after clearing all of your new messages, check if you have any hidden channels on your server that may contain unread messages. The hidden channels are displayed at the bottom of the channel list; to see them click the triple dot icon, then Add Channel Category, and select Hidden category. From there, you should be able to see the channels that may have unread messages. If none of those issues is causing the notification, try logging out and back into the Discord app.

What if restarting the Discord app doesn't help in removing notifications?

If logging out and back in again or restarting the app doesn't work, then there could be a problem with the app or account. To troubleshoot this issue, close the app and check for updates available for your operating system. Alternatively, uninstall and reinstall the app, and check for any account issues that might be causing the notifications to persist.

Can I turn off Discord notifications altogether?

Absolutely. If left unchecked, these notifications can become overwhelming, and you don't want the noise distracting from your work, studies, or game time. To turn off notifications, click on the user settings icon and scroll to the notification section. You can modify which channels you receive notifications from, or eliminate them altogether.

What if I still have questions regarding Discord notification problems?

If you still have issues with your Discord notifications, check out the Discord support page. You can submit a ticket or look for similar issues in the Help and Support forums. Discord also has an extensive user community that may be able to help troubleshoot your notification problems.